Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Lots of Gratitude (#6)

We have been on a wonderful, too short, trip to Colorado for a family reunion.  It was wonderful but too short and so, I wasn't able to blog or even really write in my journals much.  I missed it.  I didn't write everyday in my gratitude journal, though I spent time each day thinking about the things for which I was grateful.  I didn't write in prayer journal everyday either, but I did pray everyday, but I have to tell you that there is just something magical about writing.  There's something magical about pen and paper.  When you physically write things out they become more than just thoughts.  They become real and tangible.  So, here's a gratitude list for you.

~  Pen and Paper, oh I missed you!

~  Family, I loved spending time with my little family and my big family and my even bigger family!  I just don't get to see all my family enough and it was nice to sit and visit and to get reacquainted.  

~  My sweet husband who drove me 12 and 1/2 hours one way for me to get to do this.  He didn't even ask me to help drive!  AND!!  (this is a really BIG AND) He stopped a few times both ways so that I could take lots of photos!  I'll be sharing lots of them here!!

~  My lovely home to come back too even though it is waaayyy too hot here and I'm ready for another trip to the mountains of Colorado! Maybe we should just move there!

~  Just as we were pulling into our neighborhood last night, I received a text from a dear friend who has been going through chemo treatments saying that her blood test came back normal and so no more chemo!!  YAY!!  I am definitely grateful for that.

There is so much for which to be grateful everyday.  I'm trying to not just write the same thing over and over but to really find something different, to really spend time looking for the small things AND the big things, to really notice what is out there for us to enjoy and to be grateful.

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