Monday, January 22, 2018


This year, I'm trying to be more intentional in my life.  Whether it's in being more healthy, exercising,  sermon prepping, or even dressing, I'm trying to be more intentional about it.  

I'm one of those people that just wears the same earrings every day.  I tend to fall into whatever is easiest in everything and well, this really isn't a good way to live my life.  

So, I'm trying to put more intention in my life.  Some days, so far, I've succeeded and others... not so much.  It's a familiar rut or groove that I am finding hard to pull myself completely out of but I'm determined! 

No more mindlessly scrolling through social media.  What a time waster!  You think, "I'll just look for a minute" and then before you know it, you've been scrolling for 20 minutes, 30 minutes, an hour!  Life is too short to mindlessly waste it like that.  I'd rather spend time being productive!  Spend time with my family, fully engaged, not just halfway.  

Life is to be lived and I want to be more intentional about living it.

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