Monday, July 27, 2015

Journaling the disciplines

Yesterday, I preached on Love, being rooted and grounded in Love to be exact.  I talked about how sometimes we are very disciplined and we are reading our Bible and praying daily, we are attending church regularly and we notice that things in our life are good, not perfect, but good.  But then one day out of nowhere we begin to notice that things are not going as smoothly, we become a little discouraged and so we sit down to pray about it and that's when it hits us, we've let some of those disciplines go or at least we aren't as disciplined about them.  Now, I'm not saying that this is the cause of things not going smoothly but I am saying that these disciplines can help us to deal with life, with the stresses of life a little better.

So, what do you do keep your disciplines going?  How do you make certain that you are reading your Bible daily?  That seems to be the hard one for me.  I pray when I'm waking up and when going to sleep and usually a lot in between but I could use more discipline there which is why I try to keep a prayer journal as I mentioned here.  That seems to help me.  Maybe I need to keep a Bible journal, I'm always looking for good excuse to buy a pretty journal.  My cousin shared a photo of a journal of her's.  I'm not sure what she writes in it but the photo she shared had some scriptures and her thoughts on them written.  I like the idea.  

So, please share, what do you do to keep your disciplines going?  Leave a comment for me!  I'm always looking for new ideas. 

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