Wednesday, January 18, 2017

I've been thinking... about something new...

I've been fairly silent lately.  Part of it has been that developing those new habits I last spoke of has made me somewhat cranky, I wanted to keep that off here, but it's also been that there is just sooo much going on in our world right now that my head has been spinning.

I don't want to comment on all that, I think there is already too much commentary out there, and who wants to know what little ole me thinks anyway?

But I have been thinking and well... I was wondering...  You see I write a little email daily devotion every Monday thru Friday morning for my little churches.  It's short and sweet.  They don't take more than a minute a two (5 tops) to read, but I thought it would be a great way to get our morning started with a little bit of time with God.

They aren't anything grand but I was wondering if maybe others might enjoy getting this little daily devotion to start their day, so... what do you think?  Would you like to subscribe to a daily devotion that comes straight to your email?

No obligation and no spam.  Just a short little email Monday-Friday.  If you'd like to subscribe.  Fill out this form or the form on the sidebar.  I think it will be fun to share a little devotion time with you!

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Friday, January 6, 2017

New Year, New Habits

We are on the 5th day of this new healthy eating lifestyle and it's going well.  I absolutely love it!  Well, the food anyway.  I love to cook but the clean up is killing me!  As soon as we finish a meal and get the kitchen all cleaned up, it's almost time to start the next meal!  There are other things in my life that need to get done too!  You know, like sermon writing, laundry, showering... those crazy things.  So this weekend, I'm hoping to do some meal prepping to see if I can cut down a little on the daily kitchen time.

This week we have had wonderful meals breaded pork chops, baked potato, steamed broccoli and salad, or Sloppy Joe baked potatoes, and fried potatoes, scrambled eggs with veggies.  It's been amazing! So Yummy!

There are a few things I'm missing but not too bad and I'm sure as I get into the full swing of cooking every meal again, I'll get a rhythm again and it'll go much more smoothly and quickly.  It always takes time to get into new habits and we definitely need these new habits of eating well.

Sunday, January 1, 2017

Happy New Year!

Can you believe that it is a new year?  Today we start with a blank page of life (just like every day by the way), what will we do with it?

Last night my little family, DH, DD and I got all dressed up and went out to dinner together.  We seldom ever get dressed up to go to dinner, but we decided that it was New Year's Eve and well, we wanted to end it looking nice.  When we first got to the restaurant, a new one for us, we felt a little self-conscious as others were going in in their jeans and t-shirts but we decided we didn't care what others looked like, we were ending our year looking good.  

We loved the restaurant and there were lots of people inside dressed up for the night out and we enjoyed ourselves immensely.  After dinner, we went looking at lights.  There was one house DD and I had been dying to drive by but we couldn't figure out to get to it... but we found Candy Cane Lane and it was beautiful.  

Then we came home and put on our jammies and watched a scary movie and then a comedy and they ended just in time for our count down to the new year and a toast with sparkling grape juice.  It was a fun evening with family.  It ended perfectly with DS and DIL (Daughter in love) calling to wish us a Happy New Year.  It was perfect.

This morning, I'm up early finishing preparations for worship and putting the ham in the oven for a delay start and chatting with you.  ☺

I've heard a lot people saying that 2016 was a bad year, but I have to say it really wasn't for us.  We had good times and bad but last night as we were toasting we started listing all the good things of 2016.  DS and DIL were married and both graduated college.  DD was accepted into a new dance school where she is getting pre-professional training.  I have been given the opportunity to serve two lovely little churches as their lay pastor.  DS is leading his team at work successfully and has been taking classes and completely then very successfully as well!  We still have a home, and plenty of food, we are all for most part healthy and life has been good to us.  We are happy, not perfect but we are happy and looking forward to a new year, new adventures.

So, how are going to start filling in this blank page we have been given today?  How do you plan to live this year?  My sermon this morning talks about living the way Jesus taught us, with compassion, forgiveness, and love.  How do we do that?  How do you plan to live compassion, forgiveness, and love this year?

Me?  I'm still working this...  I plan on being there for my family and neighbors when they need me.  I plan on giving more.  I plan on smiling more, loving more, laughing more.  I plan on living more.

Had to run to DD, she isn't feeling well and needed medicine, poor thing.  

Anyway, Have a Wonderful, Meaningful, FULL New Year!