Thursday, May 8, 2014

Attitude of Gratitude

This morning I was posting on my Facebook Page about being thankful.  I've been trying to learn to use hashtags, so it's #ThankfulThursday.  Anyway, I really started thinking about how being thankful and having a grateful heart can really change us.  It can change our attitudes at the moment or it can change our lives forever if we can hang on to it.
Ephesians 5:20 reminds us to, "give (ing) thanks to God the Father at all times for everything in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ."

I was reminded of a song from the movie "White Christmas" where Bing Crosby is singing to Rosemary Clooney about counting her blessings when she is worried.  He sings, "When my bankroll is getting small, I think of when I had none at all..."  Putting things into perspective.

I was reading an article this morning about a dad struggling when sending his son off to college and he thought to himself, "what am I crying about? Some parents are sending their kids off to war."  It's all about perspective and having the right one.

It's a choice we have.  The way we choose to look at things in life makes all the difference in how we feel, how we look, how we live and who we are.  I've been working on my perspective a lot over the last year or so and I can see such a change in the way I feel.  My moods are better and less... hmmm... volatile... no, that's too harsh but let's change the perspective and say they are much more steady.  Lol I'm working on it!  I'm much happier, life is less complicated, I smile more, laugh more and have more to share with others. I worry less and I'm just happier, much more content.

Anyway, being thankful is something we should all work at in our lives.  It makes us feel good and reminds us where we are, who we are and whose we are.

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